Harmful drinking is defined as drinking more than 4 drinks on any one occasion (binge drinking) or drinking more than 2 drinks per day over extended periods (5 days a week) . Drinking alcohol also becomes harmful if it begins to negatively affect your relationships at home or work, or leads to financial problems. When people reach a point where they find it difficult to control their drinking and feel strong cravings for a drink they are said to have become dependent on alcohol.
Including traffc injuries, falls, drowning, burns and unintentional firearm injuries.
Including domestic violence, child abuse and neglect.
Including unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners and sexual assault
A medical emergency that results from high blood alcohol levels that can cause a loss of consciousness, low blood pressure and death.
Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of diseases such as cancer, heart disease and mental illness
Alcohol consumption increases risky sexual behaviour and can accelerate the progression of HIV related disease because it suppresses the immune system. Heavy drinkers also forget to take their prescribed medication